Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I used to be larger

This is me 9 years ago and in this picture i think I was about 90 kilos, I had already started to loose a  little  weight. My youngest at the time biggest wish was to become a big brother and he was sure he would become one,  because  mummy had a big tummy. I can remember my waist line being 120 cm, maybe a little less in the picture above.
I developed diabetes during my 3rd pregnancy, I was 29 years old and since I was still "young" I was medicated with insulin. My weight sky rocketed, I could not balance the insulin dosage and food intake and my weight was over 96 kilos at the most. To day after a lot of exercize and a 4th baby, I am down to 62 kilos, still 10 kilos more than when I met my husband 19 years ago;)  To many 62 kilos is probably still to much for someone my height, I am 160 cm tall. 
Then again I have four children and already celebrated my  40th birthday.

I have been looking for pictures from when I was at my largest, but could not find any. Last week-end my husbands best friend came over and told us he had some pictures to show us and sure enough these two were among them. These pictures are taken summer of 2002 and I was still 31 years old.

I can remember looking myself in the mirror and be thinking "what happend to my neck", my head was attached to my shoulders. I was always exhausted just going up a flight of stairs in the house, my joints were so stiff and aching walking down the same stairs. Did not have the energy to follow up the 3 children, I had to force myself. I remember thinking I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!

This is me today 
Waist line is not what it was when I was younger, but like I mentoned earlier, I have four children and already turned fourty.

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