Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cherry tart

I have a cherry tree in my garden with dark and very tart berries that we get to enjoy through iut most of the year, thanks tom my mother in law who has picked, pitted and portioned them in little baggies and put them in the freezer for me.
They say that the way to a mans hart is through his stomach, so a big thank you to my mother in law for helping me keep my husband at my side;)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!!!
Hope everybody out there has the opportunity to celebrate the day with their loved ones.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Place mats DIY

Sometimes things just happens, my oldest son was trying to camouflage his Christmas present for his sister and used these stiks that I use to stir paint and duckt tape

Fastelavn buns

Norwegian Mothersday and Fastelavn fell on the same sunday this year.
Fastelavn comes from the low german word vastel-avent, evening before Lent and it is the name commonly used for Carnival in the scandinavian countries. Fastelavn evolved from the Roman Catholic tradition of celebrating the days before Lent, but since the scandinavian countries became Protestant, the holiday became less specifically religious. This holiday occurs seven weeks before Easter Sunday and is sometimes described as a Nordic Halloween, children dressing up in costumes and gather treats for the Fastelavn feast. The holiday is generally considered to be a time for children's fun and family games. The Cat in the Sac is often played and is a nordic version of a Piñata.
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